
Monday, July 7, 2008

Tears From My Eyes

Here I am again,
As I sit through the cold breeze of the night
Waiting for someone to come,
Waiting for someone to ease this pain in my heart
But alas, no one has yet arrived
No one has come to wipe these tears from my eyes

Sometimes I question,
If I have brought this curse upon myself
Or has fate led me to be destined like this?
Still I wait, for someone to take this pain off my chest
But alas, no one has yet arrived
No one has come to wipe these tears from my eyes

Because of this, I suffer with great regret
I did not confess to my beloved how I really feel
For I am not a woman with many convictions
Hence, I am alone and disconsolate
For I have passed a moment
That I would never have a chance to return to

So now I sit here yet again
Sitting through the cold breeze of the night
For I have passed a moment
Which I would regret till the end of time
For that, I am now alone
My beloved would never wipe these from my eyes

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